Thursday, August 5, 2010


In the last couple weeks, two friends have been kind enough indulge my weirdness and complete change into scientist. Transcripts of the conversations follow ...

'J' sent me a text message about how he was driving down out of Auckland for work for the day. I reply with a comment on all the harriers to be seen out in the country. J responds with "I almost hit one with the ute."
Me: um, ok, so I know this is a bit weird, but if you should hit one, or if you find one ... could you collect it for me?
J: yeah no worries

'S' tells me "I think I saw a dead harrier just before the motorway onramp on my way home."
Me: oooh, I'd love it. Can you drive by slowly tomorrow and get a better look?
(The next day)
S: sorry, I didn't get a chance to stop this afternoon. I was gonna go at lunch, but then I thought what would I do with it for the afternoon.
Me: don't you have a freezer at your work??
S: yes, but I don't think my workmates would be very happy if I did that

What surprised me the most about these two conversations was that both friends were quite unconcerned about it all. It is not a normal, everyday occurrence to collect dead birds off roadsides and neither of them seemed to bat an eyelid over my request. In the end there was no collection of specimens, which I feel is a good thing for our friendships, as I'm sure they both secretly think I'm mad and delivery of a bird carcass would have only served to confirm their suspicions!

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